You build great products.

Let’s make them safe for children.

Create with us

Build safe, age-appropriate, and innovative experiences

Weave us into your product, policy, and operations

Get timely advice on new youth developments

Grow safely without compromising on innovation or speed

Our expertise

Deep experience building youth safety solutions

Tactical expertise in youth product and policy development

Speedy, targeted interventions that support client teams

Independent and confidential counsel on youth safety and design

“We engaged VYS pre-launch and within six weeks they had identified all the potential vectors of harm, where we were at greatest regulatory and reputational risk, and outlined the range of product solutions we could implement. It gave us peace of mind and at launch, let us vocally emphasize the safety of our app for children.”

Game developer building social experiences

“VYS was able to quickly rewrite our AI developer policies to account for third party applications that might attract younger users. They provided a great developer education resource that we plan to scalably share out with developers.”

Third party AI application developer

“VYS brought us both practical industry knowledge and deep understanding of youth developmental needs. Our recommendations to industry were much more targeted and detailed as a result, allowing us to be better advocates for youth safety online.”

Civil society organization

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